
Farhad Mehranfar was born on November 27th, 1959 in Bandar
Anzali. He has studied cinema at the film-Theatre faculty of the University of
Art in years 1977-1985. Mehranfar has made more than 50 documentary films and 4
long films, most of which he has wrote and edited besides directing. Most of
Mehranfar’s films have been rewarded in national and international festivals.
In 2000, he was granted the first rate art license by the Ministry of Culture
and Islamic Guidance.
. Kowaj (1985)
. the kid fishermen (1086)
. Talesh (1987)
. coal making (1988)
. the lambs are born in the snow (1988)
. the night in which ( Gilan earh quake) (1990)
. the roots (1990)
. Zieran (1993)
. the girl of corn-poppy mountains (1994)
. Gilan, the land of the green dream (1995)
. a class in the mist (2002)
. chemistry ( Water, Wind, Fire, Soil) (2002)
. the new year (2006)
. Water ( Documentary Series, 13 episodes) (2006)
. Deylaman, The Paradise Lost (2007)
. Deylaman, The Unreachable Land (2007)
. The Anthem Of Water
WORKS ( filmS)
- Paper airplanes (1996)
- the tree of life (1997)
- the legend of love (1999)
- The Winter song (2001)
- Establisher of Dehkhoda publications in Bandar Anzali
- One of the establishers of Bandar Anzali film club
- cinematographer of the 16 mm film ‘ The Threshold ‘ by Alireza Gharooyani
- Re-establisher and manager of Rasht film club
- Executive secretary of Cinamaye Javan local festival and Omid photograph festival
- Executive secretary of the Iran Annual Photograph Festival, Rasht
- art director of ‘ Life and Nothing Else’ by Abbas Kiarostami
- One of the members of the jury of Iran long films in the 17th Fajr film Festival
- One of the members of the jury of documentary films in the 21th Fajr film Festival
- One of the members of of the jury of documentary films in the 22th Fajr film Festival
- One of the members of the jury in the international part of Roshd film Festival
- One of the members of the jury in the 2nd International Short film Festival of Isfahan
- One of the members of the jury in of the documentary films in Filme Shahr Festival
- The Lambs Are Born In The SnowAwarded as the best film in the 1st international festival of short films of Hamedan, 1990, and winner of the Human & Nature award in oberhausen festival, Germany,1990.
- The Roots. Awarded in the 2nd international festival of short films of Hamedan, 1992, and nominated in clermont festival, France, oberhausen festival, Germany, ...
- ZieranAwarded in the 10th Koodak-o-nojavan festival, Isfahan, 1994, the winner of the best film’s Golden Book in the international Roshd film festival, 1994, the winner of best directing award in the 1st Teacher festival, 1995.
- The Girl Of Corn-poppy MountainsThe winner of best short film’s Golden Butterfly in the 12th Koodak-o-nojavan festival, Kerman, 1996, awarded the best cinematography Golden Book in the 26th international Roshd film festival,1996.
- . My birds & IAwarded for the best directing, producing and sound editting in the 15th Cinamaye-javane-Iran festival, 1396, winner of the Silver Bear in ebenseer international festival, Austria, 1996.
- . Paper airplanes . awarded the grand prize and siemorghe-boloorin in the 15th Faajr film festival,1996, and awarded in festivals of New Dehli,1997, cine junior , Paris, 1997, Ale kino, Poland, 1007, zlin, czech Republic,1998, Barcelona, Spain,1998, Olympia, Greece, 1998
- the tree of lifenominated for 8 and winner of 4 Siemorghe-boloorin awards for the best actress and the best sound editing as well as honorary diploma for the best directing and producing in the 16th Fajr film festival, awarded as the best film in the Roosta cultural & literary festival, and awarded for the best cinematography In the international Roshd film festival,1998, and awarded in ragazzi festival.
- . the legend of love . awarded the grand prize in the Santa Barbara festival, California, 2001, awarded the the grand prize in the philadelphia festival, and attended the festivals of Montreal, Cairo,pusan, Film center of Chicago, Boston, mill valley of California, and Melbourne,2001
- the winter song. awarded as the 2nd best film in the 31th international Roshd film festival,2001, awarded the honorary diploma for the best directing in the Cinema & Women festival,2002, received the Correlation award in san sebastian festival, Spain, 2002, and awarded in the festivals of cine junior, France,2002,estoball, Portugal,2002, Olympia, Greece,2003.
